
Do you believe in yourself? Quiz

This comprehensive quiz is designed to evaluate your level of self-belief or self-confidence, which is the foundation of a successful, fulfilling life. It is structured around real-life scenarios that you might encounter in your personal and professional life, and how you respond to them. The results are then categorized into four distinct levels of self-belief: Low, Moderate, High, and Very High. Each level provides an overview of your current mindset, its implications, and recommended readings. These book suggestions aim to guide you in improving your self-confidence and nurturing a healthier self-belief, at your current level.

When faced with a difficult task, how do you react?

I avoid it because I fear I will fail.

I hesitate and doubt my ability to complete it.

I take time to prepare, but I am not certain about the outcome.

I embrace it as a challenge and am confident in my ability to succeed.

If you make a mistake at work, what’s your immediate thought?

I’m not cut out for this job.

I’m always making mistakes.

I could do better.

This is an opportunity for me to learn and improve.

When you receive criticism, you:

Take it personally and feel hurt.

Feel discouraged but try to understand the feedback.

Accept the feedback and think about how to improve.

See it as an opportunity to grow and become better.

How often do you step outside your comfort zone?

Rarely, I’m afraid of what could go wrong.

Occasionally, but it makes me feel uncomfortable.

Quite often, I understand it’s important for personal growth.

Regularly, I thrive on new challenges and experiences.

How do you perceive failures?

As proof that I’m not good enough.

As something discouraging and hard to overcome.

As an unpleasant but necessary part of life.

As opportunities for learning and self-improvement.

When facing a problem, you:

Feel overwhelmed and helpless.

Try to solve it, but you’re unsure about your ability.

Are confident that you’ll find a solution eventually.

See it as a challenge and are confident in your problem-solving skills.

When you achieve success, you believe it’s because of:

Luck or external factors.

The help from others.

A combination of help, luck, and personal effort.

Your skills, efforts, and abilities.

How do you feel about the future?

Fearful, things usually go wrong.

Uncertain, you’re not sure you can handle it.

Hopeful, you believe you can cope with the challenges that arise.

Excited, you trust in your ability to shape your own destiny.

When faced with a decision, you:

Avoid making it because you’re afraid of making the wrong choice.

Rely on others to make the decision.

Consider others’ opinions, but you’re often unsure.

Value others’ opinions but ultimately trust your own judgement.

How do you feel about taking risks?

You avoid them at all costs.

You’re hesitant but will take them if absolutely necessary.

You understand they’re necessary for success.

You’re comfortable with them, and see them as opportunities for growth.

What do you do when you have a goal?

Rarely set them because you don’t believe you can achieve them.

You set them but often struggle to follow through.

ou set them and work towards them, despite some self-doubt.

You set them and are confident in your ability to achieve them.

How do you feel about your abilities?

You doubt them and think others are better.

You recognize them but don’t trust them fully.

You know what they are and are working on trusting them more.

You are aware of them and trust in them completely.

When someone compliments you:

You think they’re just being nice.

You feel pleased but doubt whether it’s true.

You accept the compliment and feel good about it.

You accept it with gratitude and feel confident.

How often do you compare yourself to others?

Constantly, and you always feel inferior.

Often, and it usually makes you feel insecure.

Sometimes, but you’re working on focusing on your own path.

Rarely, you’re focused on your own growth and self-improvement.

Do you believe you’re capable of achieving great things?

No, you don’t think you’re good enough.

Maybe, but it seems unlikely.

Yes, but you’re not completely certain.

Absolutely, you know you can if you work for it.

Low self-belief.

If you scored in this range, you struggle with self-belief and often doubt your abilities. You may feel overwhelmed by challenges and are likely to avoid risks due to fear of failure. This lack of confidence can make it difficult for you to reach your full potential. It’s crucial for you to start nurturing a positive self-image. Reflect on your strengths and past successes, and begin to shift your mindset from fear of failure to seeing challenges as opportunities for growth.

Books recommendations that will help you at this level:

“The Magic of Thinking Big” by David J. Schwartz – This book will guide you to transform your life by changing your thoughts. It emphasizes the power of positive thinking and setting high expectations.

“Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown – Brown talks about the importance of vulnerability, courage, and authenticity, encouraging you to embrace your imperfections and face your fears.

“Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” by Susan Jeffers – This classic self-help book offers practical advice to turn fear into confidence, encouraging readers to take control of their lives.

Good luck on your journey!

Moderate self-belief.

You show some confidence in your abilities, but it can be easily shaken by setbacks, criticism, or comparison with others. You might have a tendency to doubt yourself when faced with new tasks or challenges. It’s important for you to recognize your self-worth and build resilience against negative experiences.

Books recommendations that will help you at this level:

“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck – This book introduces the concept of “growth mindset,” encouraging you to believe in your ability to improve and succeed.

“You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life” by Jen Sincero – Sincero offers humorous and motivating insights to overcome self-doubt and build a strong self-belief.

“The Confidence Gap” by Russ Harris – This book offers practical strategies based on the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to help you lead a confident, fulfilled life.

Good luck on your journey!

High self-belief

You generally trust your abilities and have a decent level of self-confidence. However, there can be moments of self-doubt, especially when you’re under stress or faced with obstacles. Enhancing your self-belief is about fostering a consistent level of self-confidence and maintaining it even in the face of adversity.

Books recommendations that will help you at this level:

“The Power of Self-Confidence” by Brian Tracy – Tracy provides strategies to build unshakeable confidence and achieve your goals.

“Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life” by Gary John Bishop – Bishop offers blunt, no-nonsense advice to stop self-sabotaging thoughts and start living more confidently.

“The Art of Extraordinary Confidence: Your Ultimate Path to Love, Wealth, and Freedom” by Dr. Aziz Gazipura – This book provides strategies to increase your self-confidence in all areas of life.

Good luck on your journey!

Very high self-belief

ou have a strong sense of self-confidence and self-efficacy. You’re not afraid to face new challenges or risks, and you perceive failures as opportunities for learning and growth. This mindset is crucial for personal and professional development. The key for you is to maintain this confidence and use it to reach your full potential.

Books recommendations that will help you at this level:

“Awaken the Giant Within” by Tony Robbins – Robbins shares techniques to master your emotions, body, relationships, finances, and life, inspiring you to take immediate control of your life.

“The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage” by Mel Robbins – This book introduces a simple tool that helps you take action, overcome fear, and make quick decisions.

“The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” by Eckhart Tolle – Tolle offers spiritual teachings to help you find peace and fulfillment in the present moment, which can be useful in maintaining a healthy level of self-confidence.

Good luck on your journey!

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