
Confident or Cocky? Quiz

Find out how confident you are, or might you even air on the cocky side?

How do you handle criticism?

Appreciate constructive feedback and reflect on it.

Dismiss criticism as irrelevant or unfair.

Get defensive and argue against it.

Ignore criticism altogether.

How do you react when someone achieves success?

Congratulate them genuinely.

Feel jealous or resentful.

Downplay their accomplishment.

Believe you could have done it better.

How do you approach unfamiliar tasks?

Embrace the challenge and give it your best.

Assume you’ll excel without much effort.

Worry about failure and hesitate to start.

Dismiss the task as beneath your abilities.

What is your attitude towards learning from others?

Open-minded and eager to learn from anyone.

Prefer to learn on your own instead.

Think you already know more than most people.

Believe others can’t teach you anything useful.

How do you handle compliments?

Accept them graciously and thank the person.

Brush them off or attribute success to luck.

Believe you deserve even more praise.

Expect compliments and get disappointed if not received.

How do you handle failure or setbacks?

Learn from them and try again with new insights.

Blame external factors or other people.

Get discouraged and give up easily.

Don’t consider failures as relevant to your abilities.

How do you respond when someone disagrees with you?

Listen to their perspective and engage in a respectful discussion.

Dismiss their opinion as incorrect or uninformed.

Get defensive and argue aggressively.

Believe your opinion is always right, regardless of others’ input.

What is your approach to taking risks?

Weigh the pros and cons and take calculated risks.

Jump into risks without much thought or consideration.

Avoid risks altogether to prevent failure

Believe you don’t need to take risks due to your abilities.

How do you react when someone outperforms you?

Acknowledge their success and appreciate their skills.

Feel threatened and attempt to diminish their achievements.

Make excuses for why they performed better.

Brush it off as a temporary setback.

How do you handle compliments?

Accept them graciously and thank the person.

Brush them off or attribute success to luck.

Believe you deserve even more praise.

Expect compliments and get disappointed if not received.

How do you react to others’ mistakes?

Offer support and help them learn from their errors.

Feel superior and use their mistakes to boost your ego.

Criticize and mock their errors to make yourself look better.

Ignore their mistakes since they don’t affect you.

What is your attitude towards admitting when you’re wrong?

Willing to admit mistakes and learn from them.

Avoid admitting mistakes to maintain your image.

Rarely wrong, so admitting mistakes is unnecessary.

Believe you’re never wrong, regardless of evidence.

How do you respond when faced with competition?

Embrace competition and see it as an opportunity to grow.

Feel threatened and try to undermine your competitors.

Believe you’re always better than the competition.

Don’t care about competition as you’re confident in your abilities.

How do you approach new challenges?

Approach them with enthusiasm and determination.

Assume you’ll succeed effortlessly due to your skills.

Feel anxious and doubt your abilities to handle them.

Dismiss them as unimportant or unworthy of your attention.

You are confident

You have a healthy level of self-assurance and are open to growth. Recommended book to nurture your confidence futher and use it for ultimate sucess: “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck.

You may be Insecure

Your answers suggest you lack confidence and tend to doubt your abilities. Recommended book to gain confidence and be on your way towards personal freedom and fullfilment: “The Confidence Gap” by Russ Harris.

Has anyone said you are Cocky

Your answer suggests you exhibit excessive confidence and may come across as arrogant. This may not be a bad thing and you may already be successful, or it may hinder your chances at real connections Recommended book to make you more successful with others: “Ego Is the Enemy” by Ryan Holiday.

You are Balanced

You have a mix of confidence and humility. Recommended book to nurture your confidence: “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” by Mark Manson.

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