
Pesimistic, Realistic, Optimistic or Ignorant Quiz

This quiz is designed to help you identify your mindset and how it affects your life. Your mindset is the way you think about yourself, the world, and the future. It can influence your emotions, behaviors, and outcomes. There are four main types of mindsets: optimistic, realistic, pessimistic, and indifferent. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages. By answering 15 multiple choice questions, you will get a score that reflects your dominant mindset. You will also get a description of what your mindset looks like, the pros and cons of it, and a list of books that can help you change or improve it. This quiz is not a scientific test, but rather a tool for self-awareness and personal growth. It can help you understand yourself better and discover new ways to appreciate life. Are you ready to take the quiz?

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?

 I feel grateful for another day and excited to see what it brings.

I feel neutral and ready to face the challenges ahead.

I feel anxious and worried about what might go wrong.

I feel bored and unmotivated to do anything.

How do you react when someone compliments you?

 I smile and thank them sincerely, feeling happy and confident.

I appreciate their kindness and acknowledge their feedback, feeling satisfied and respectful.

I doubt their sincerity and question their motives, feeling insecure and suspicious.

I ignore them or shrug them off, feeling indifferent and detached.

How do you cope with stress or frustration?

I look for the positive aspects of the situation and try to learn from it, feeling hopeful and resilient.

I analyze the causes and consequences of the problem and try to solve it, feeling rational and pragmatic.

I focus on the negative aspects of the situation and blame myself or others, feeling hopeless and angry.

I avoid or escape from the situation and distract myself with something else, feeling apathetic and numb.

How do you celebrate your achievements or successes?

I share my joy with others and express my gratitude for their support, feeling proud and generous.

I reward myself with something meaningful and set new goals for myself, feeling accomplished and ambitious.

I downplay my achievements or compare them with others, feeling inadequate and envious.

I don’t care much about my achievements or successes, feeling indifferent and bored.

How do you deal with failures or mistakes?

I see them as opportunities for growth and improvement, feeling optimistic and motivated.

I accept them as part of life and learn from them, feeling realistic and responsible.

I see them as evidence of my flaws and limitations, feeling pessimistic and depressed.

I don’t care much about my failures or mistakes, feeling indifferent and careless.

How do you interact with other people?

I am friendly and outgoing, always looking for ways to connect and help others, feeling sociable and compassionate.

I am polite and respectful, always following the norms and rules of society, feeling courteous and cooperative.

I am hostile and defensive, always expecting the worst from others and protecting myself, feeling distrustful and resentful.

I am aloof and distant, always preferring to be alone or with a few close friends, feeling isolated and indifferent.

How do you view yourself?

I have a positive self-image and high self-esteem, feeling confident and happy.

I have a realistic self-image and balanced self-esteem, feeling satisfied and content.

I have a negative self-image and low self-esteem, feeling insecure and unhappy.

 I don’t have a clear self-image or self-esteem, feeling indifferent and detached.

How do you view the world?

I see the world as a beautiful place full of opportunities and wonders, feeling curious and adventurous.

 I see the world as a complex place full of challenges and uncertainties, feeling cautious and prepared.

I see the world as a cruel place full of dangers and threats, feeling fearful and paranoid.

I see the world as a boring place full of monotony and meaninglessness, feeling apathetic and nihilistic.

How do you spend your free time?

I engage in activities that bring me joy and fulfillment such as hobbies or volunteering feeling passionate and purposeful

I engage in activities that bring me balance and wellness such as exercise or meditation feeling healthy and relaxed

I engage in activities that bring me relief and distraction such as drinking or gambling feeling addicted and guilty

I don’t engage in any activities or I do them randomly without any interest or enjoyment feeling bored and empty

How do you handle change or uncertainty?

I embrace change and uncertainty as opportunities for growth and adventure, feeling flexible and adaptable.

I manage change and uncertainty as challenges that require planning and action, feeling organized and proactive.

I resist change and uncertainty as threats that cause stress and anxiety, feeling rigid and reactive.

I ignore change and uncertainty as irrelevant or inevitable, feeling indifferent and passive.

How do you express your emotions?

I express my emotions openly and honestly, feeling authentic and expressive.

I express my emotions appropriately and moderately, feeling mature and controlled.

I suppress or deny my emotions, feeling ashamed or overwhelmed.

I don’t have or show any emotions, feeling indifferent or numb.

How do you make decisions?

I make decisions based on my intuition and values, feeling confident and satisfied.

I make decisions based on facts and logic, feeling rational and objective.

I have difficulty making decisions or I regret them later, feeling indecisive and unhappy.

I don’t make any decisions or I let others make them for me, feeling indifferent or dependent.

How do you face your fears?

I face my fears head-on and overcome them, feeling courageous and empowered.

I face my fears rationally and realistically, feeling calm and prepared.

I avoid or run away from my fears, feeling cowardly and helpless.

I don’t have or acknowledge any fears, feeling indifferent or oblivious.

How do you pursue your goals?

I pursue my goals with enthusiasm and optimism, feeling motivated and inspired.

I pursue my goals with determination and realism, feeling focused and disciplined.

I give up on my goals easily or I don’t have any goals, feeling hopeless and aimless.

I don’t care about my goals or I achieve them without any effort, feeling indifferent or complacent.

How do you appreciate life?

I appreciate life every day and every moment, feeling grateful and happy.

I appreciate life when things are going well or when I achieve something, feeling satisfied and content.

I don’t appreciate life at all or I wish it was different, feeling unhappy and dissatisfied.

I don’t think about life or its meaning, feeling indifferent and detached.


You have an optimistic mindset if you chose mostly A answers. You tend to see the bright side of things and expect the best outcomes. You are positive, hopeful, cheerful, and confident. You believe that life is a gift and that you have the power to make it better. You are not afraid of challenges or failures because you see them as opportunities for growth and improvement. You are friendly, outgoing, generous, and compassionate. You enjoy life to the fullest and share your joy with others.

Advantages: An optimistic mindset can help you cope with stress better, boost your immune system, improve your relationships, increase your happiness, and achieve your goals.

Disadvantages: An optimistic mindset can also make you overestimate your abilities, underestimate the risks, ignore the negative feedback, or be unrealistic about the future.

Books: If you want to learn more about the optimistic mindset or how to balance it with realism, you can read these books:

[Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life] by Martin Seligman

[The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work] by Shawn Achor

[The Power of Positive Thinking] by Norman Vincent Peale


You have a realistic mindset if you chose mostly B answers. You tend to see things as they are and deal with them accordingly. You are rational, pragmatic, sensible, and balanced. You believe that life is a challenge and that you have the skills and resources to overcome it. You are not afraid of change or uncertainty because you see them as challenges that require planning and action. You are polite, respectful, courteous, and cooperative. You enjoy life when things are going well or when you achieve something and reward yourself accordingly.

Advantages: A realistic mindset can help you analyze problems better, make sound decisions, adapt to different situations, achieve your goals, and be successful.

Disadvantages: A realistic mindset can also make you too cautious, rigid, boring, or cynical. You may miss out on some opportunities, creativity, fun, or happiness.

Books: If you want to learn more about the realistic mindset or how to balance it with optimism, you can read these books:

[Thinking, Fast and Slow] by Daniel Kahneman

[The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change] by Stephen R. Covey

[The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business] by Charles Duhigg


Pessimistic: You have a pessimistic mindset if you chose mostly C answers. You tend to see the dark side of things and expect the worst outcomes. You are negative, hopeless, gloomy, and insecure. You believe that life is a curse and that you have no control over it. You are afraid of challenges or failures because you see them as evidence of your flaws and limitations. You are hostile, defensive, distrustful, and resentful. You don’t enjoy life at all or you wish it was different and complain about it.

Advantages: A pessimistic mindset can help you prepare for the worst, avoid disappointment, protect yourself from harm, and be realistic.

Disadvantages: A pessimistic mindset can also make you depressed, anxious, angry, lonely, and unhappy. You may miss out on some opportunities, growth, success, and happiness.

Books: If you want to learn more about the pessimistic mindset or how to change it to a more positive one, you can read these books:

[The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking] by Oliver Burkeman

[Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy] by David D. Burns

[The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living: A Guide to ACT] by Russ Harris


Indifferent: You have an indifferent mindset if you chose mostly D answers. You tend to see things as irrelevant or inevitable and don’t care about them. You are apathetic, bored, detached, and numb. You believe that life is meaningless and that you have no purpose or passion. You are not afraid of anything because you don’t have any emotions or feelings. You are aloof, distant, isolated, and indifferent. You don’t think about life or its meaning and just go through the motions.

Advantages: An indifferent mindset can help you avoid stress, conflict, pain, or suffering. You may be calm, relaxed, peaceful, and free.

Disadvantages: An indifferent mindset can also make you empty, lonely, depressed, suicidal, and unhappy. You may miss out on everything that makes life worth living.

Books: If you want to learn more about the indifferent mindset or how to find some meaning and joy in life, you can read these books:

[Man’s Search for Meaning] by Viktor E. Frankl

[The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life] by Mark Manson

[The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World] by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu

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